It's All Greek to Me
Athens | Athens | Athens | Corinth | Katakolon | Kalamáta | Khania | Agios Nikólaos, Kríti | Rhodes | Santorini | Mykonos | Athens

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Welcome to Athens. On arrival at Athens airport, make your way to the Arrivals Hall, to meet our representative,followed by a transfer to our group hotel. At the hotel, visit our hospitality desk in the lobby to meet our team whowill provide you with useful information regarding pre... Welcome to Athens. On arrival at Athens airport, make your way to the Arrivals Hall, to meet our representative,followed by a transfer to our group hotel. At the hotel, visit our hospitality desk in the lobby to meet our team whowill provide you with useful information regarding pre-embarkation procedures and about your time in Athens. Youwill also receive cabin tags for your luggage. Please clearly label the tags with your name and your cabin number onthe ship. This evening offers time to relax in preparation for tomorrow.Accommodation: Athens Hotel Read More

After breakfast, enjoy a morning ‘Your Choice’ experience. Rejoin the coach to return to our hotel or take a stroll tothe city’s popular Plaka precinct, nearby. A series of streets and laneways filled with restaurants, cafes and shops, itis the perfect place to grab a bite to eat or... After breakfast, enjoy a morning ‘Your Choice’ experience. Rejoin the coach to return to our hotel or take a stroll tothe city’s popular Plaka precinct, nearby. A series of streets and laneways filled with restaurants, cafes and shops, itis the perfect place to grab a bite to eat or shop for gifts to take home (lunch own expense). This evening, wecelebrate the start to our journey in true Greek style, with a Welcome Event.With a history stretching back 3,500 years, Athens is a city rich with stories. Known as the ‘cradle of civilization’ andcelebrated as the birthplace of democracy, philosophy, and theatre, Athens seamlessly blends its storied past withits lively present. This bustling metropolis, home to three million residents, is dotted with ancient landmarks liketemples, iconic columns, and former city centres. Athens' influence in antiquity reached far beyond its borders,ushering in a Golden Age of political debate, education, and philosophy, and hosting figures such as Socrates, Plato,and Aristotle. The democratic principles developed here laid the foundation for modern governance systems aroundthe world.However, Athens is more than just an ancient relic. Having weathered numerous invasions, it has evolved into a citywith rich architectural styles, culinary traditions, and cultural practices. Whether you're exploring ancient ruins orsavouring modern Greek cuisine, Athens offers a fascinating journey through history, inviting travellers from allcorners of the globe to experience its enduring charm.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: A Taste of AthensFor foodie fans, travellers who have visited Athens before, and those who enjoy a personal view of Athens, thisexperience is perfect. We begin our guided walk at Syntagma Square, where Greece’s Parliament building stands,guarded by traditionally attired Evzone guards. Our local expert warmly welcomes you to their home city, leadingyou on an intriguing walking tour through Athens’ historical areas. With passion and knowledge, they unveilauthentic Athens and its secrets.Stroll through Plaka, the charming ‘old quarter’ of Athens nestled at the base of the Acropolis. Admire its eclecticneoclassical architecture, picturesque alleys, and inviting tavernas. Pause at a colourful local cafe to indulge in Greekdelicacies such as olives, fragrant cheeses and cured meats.Continue through Monastir Aki, famous for its bustling flea market and vibrant shops brimming with local crafts andsouvenirs. From there, we wander to Thission, offering the best panoramic views of the Acropolis, Ancient Agora,and the majestic Temple of Hephaestus. Here, we treat ourselves to a traditional Greek coffee, accompaniedperhaps by a sweet delight like baklava, a favourite among Greeks for its rich layers of pastry, nuts and honey. Ourmorning offers us a taste of this fascinating city.Option 2 – Morning experience: Classic AthensThis comprehensive tour combines a visit to the Acropolis with the city’s major landmarks. Begin with a view of theGreek parliament at Syntagma Square, once a royal residence, where the iconic Evzones still stand guard intraditional attire. Next, enjoy a brief photo stop at the Panathenaic Stadium, the site of the first modern OlympicGames in 1896, where athletes revived the ancient Olympic spirit.Continue past the Temple of Zeus and the Zappeion and view the National Library and University of Athens before ascenic drive to the Acropolis of Athens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built in the 5th century BCE, the Acropolisserved as a citadel and religious centre dedicated to Athena, the city’s patron goddess. Explore remarkablestructures like the Parthenon, Propylaia, Erechtheion, and the Temple of Athena Nike, showcasing the grandeur ofAncient Greece.Perched high above the city, the Acropolis is not only an architectural marvel, but also a symbol of the birthplace ofdemocracy. This ancient citadel stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Greek culture and ideals,representing advancements in art, architecture and political thought that originated in Athens. Feel the essence ofcivic pride and religious devotion in ancient Greek society, at the city’s centre for political and cultural life. TheParthenon exemplifies the height of classical Greek architecture, adorned with Doric columns and intricatesculptures. Built under the leadership of Pericles, the Parthenon symbolised the city’s wealth and power, with friezesand statues depicting various mythological scenes.After touring the Acropolis, take a short walk to the Acropolis Museum. This modern museum houses over 3,000artefacts from the Athenian Acropolis, offering unique insights into ancient Greek life and including anarchaeological excavation beneath it. (*Please note: Entrance time to the Acropolis is a local government stipulatedtime slot. The sequence of the above itinerary may change once the specific time slot is allocated.)Rejoin the coach for a short drive to the hotel or take a stroll to the city’s popular Plaka precinct nearby. A series ofstreets and laneways filled with restaurants, cafes and shops, it is the perfect place to grab a bite to eat or shop forgifts to take home (lunch own expense).Option 3 – Morning experience: A Fetish for FetaDo you have a fetish for feta or go mad over moussaka? Don your apron and dive into an authentic Greek culinaryexperience. You’ll be in groups, with each group responsible for different aspects of meal preparation. Learn thesecrets behind some of Greece’s most beloved dishes as you bake bread, prep ingredients, and cook under theguidance of passionate local chefs. They will share their expertise, making the class both fun and informative.Afterwards, around the table, savour your creations with fellow participants, enjoying the fruits of your labour. Thisdelicious experience not only fills your stomach but also leaves you with lasting memories – and a passion for theMediterranean lifestyle.Accommodation: Athens HotelMeals: Breakfast, Welcome Event canapés Read More

Enjoy a leisurely morning in Athens. Revisit your favourite sites, explore the city’s markets and shops, or discoverhidden treasures on an independent exploration. Athens’ extensive metro network makes it easy to navigate thecity, while the warm Greek hospitality ensures you are nev... Enjoy a leisurely morning in Athens. Revisit your favourite sites, explore the city’s markets and shops, or discoverhidden treasures on an independent exploration. Athens’ extensive metro network makes it easy to navigate thecity, while the warm Greek hospitality ensures you are never far from helpful advice on how to make the most ofyour time.Mid-afternoon, we transfer from our hotel to the port of Piraeus to board the Douglas Mawson and sail towards thefamed Corinth Canal. This evening, we enjoy a ‘Welcome Aboard’ dinner where we meet our crew and onboardteam.Meals: Breakfast, Dinner onboard Read More
We wake this morning at the entrance to one of the world’s engineering wonders, the Corinth Canal. This narrowwaterway connects the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea, cutting through the Isthmus ofCorinth and saving vessels a significant 700-kilometre journey a... We wake this morning at the entrance to one of the world’s engineering wonders, the Corinth Canal. This narrowwaterway connects the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea, cutting through the Isthmus ofCorinth and saving vessels a significant 700-kilometre journey around the Peloponnese peninsula. Stretching 6.4kilometres and only 21 metres wide at its base, the Corinth Canal is one of the narrowest lock-free canals in theworld. Its towering limestone walls, reaching heights of up to 78 metres, create a dramatic passage for vessels,which almost touch its sides as they sail its path.The concept of cutting a canal through the isthmus dates to ancient times, with plans proposed by Periander ofCorinth in the 7th century BCE. Construction finally began under Roman Emperor Nero, only to halt upon his death.It was not until 1893 the canal was finally completed. Its construction was a monumental effort, involving theexcavation of millions of cubic metres of earth and rock, all dug at sea level. It stands as a remarkable achievement inengineering and continues to be a key route for maritime traffic, enhancing Greece’s role as a central hub in theMediterranean.Exiting the canal, we sail the Gulf of Corinth to Itea where our afternoon offers a glimpse into the life of the earlyGreeks, with a visit to the former city of Delphi. Our local guides tell tales of pilgrimage, sacrifice and early faiths aswe take a literal step into the world of ancient Greece.Revered throughout antiquity as a sacred site where pilgrims could glimpse the future, the Oracle of Delphi castcryptic prophecies for over a millennium. Dubbed the ‘navel of the world’ for its pivotal position in the Greek realm,Delphi drew pilgrims from all sectors of society, shaping critical decisions, from civic politics to personal destinies.Perched dramatically on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, the Oracle was esteemed as a direct conduit to the divinerealm of Apollo – the sun god. Revered for his beauty and creative prowess, Apollo symbolised order and harmony.As a result, Delphi became integral to Greek identity, reflecting its religious, cultural, and political life. It was aunifying site where people from various city-states gathered, fostering a sense of shared Hellenic heritage.Our journey leads us to the very site of the Oracle, alongside the opulent Treasury of the Athenians – a testament toofferings made. We pause at the ancient theatre, host to the prestigious Pythian Games, and the Castalian Spring,where pilgrims purified themselves before seeking counsel.Today, Delphi stands as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, its influence enduring through the annals of literature,history, and art. It remains a profound emblem of ancient wisdom and cultural legacy, cherished by Greece as abridge to its storied past.Returning to the ship we sail to Greece’s classic, the Peloponnese Peninsular. Read More

Today, our ‘Your Choice’ experiences are truly Olympic in scope, offering you two classic Greek treats. A brief ten-minute walk from our berth, finds a variety of shops and restaurants to explore. Just a short distance away, thepopular pebbled Plakes Beach awaits, and the sandy stre... Today, our ‘Your Choice’ experiences are truly Olympic in scope, offering you two classic Greek treats. A brief ten-minute walk from our berth, finds a variety of shops and restaurants to explore. Just a short distance away, thepopular pebbled Plakes Beach awaits, and the sandy stretch of Agios Andreas Beach is a mere five-minute taxi ride.Steeped in maritime history, the picturesque port town of Katakolon remains the gateway to the ancient site ofOlympia, and our port for today. One of the most important sanctuaries in ancient Greece, Olympia was dedicated toZeus, the king of the gods. Every four years, athletes from across the Greek world gathered here to compete invarious sports, honouring Zeus and fostering unity among the city states. The busy port town of Katakolon itself is ahub of activity, with its quaint streets lined with shops and cafes, while the Katakolon Lighthouse and the Museum ofAncient Greek Technology offer insights into the region’s rich history.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: An Olympic EncounterRenowned as the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games, the 8th-century BCE site of Olympia was the Greekworld’s most revered religious sanctuary, dedicated to Zeus, the king of the gods. The site housed numeroustemples, altars, and sporting facilities, with the Temple of Zeus featuring a 40-foot statue of Zeus sitting on anelaborate cedarwood throne adorned with ebony, ivory, gold and precious stones. This statue was one of the SevenWonders of the Ancient World.Held every four years from 776 BCE to 393 CE, the games at Olympia attracted athletes from all over the Greekworld. Over 45,000 spectators cheered on their sporting heroes, who competed in a range of sports such as running,wrestling, boxing, and chariot racing. The games were not only a display of physical prowess, but also a celebrationof Greek unity and religious devotion. Victors were awarded olive wreaths and gained immense prestige and honourin their home cities.Today, Olympia continues to influence the modern Olympic Games. Many of the ancient sports, lost throughout thecenturies, were revived in 1896 by Pierre de Coubertin’s ‘Modern Olympics’. The Olympic flame, a symbol of peaceand unity, is lit in a ceremony at the ancient site of Olympia before every modern Olympics, and then relayed to thehost city. This tradition underscores the connection between the ancient and modern games. A visit to Olympia is alesson not only in its historical and archaeological importance, but also in its lasting impact on global culture throughthe ongoing tradition of the Olympic Games. The site fosters a spirit of unity and excellence that resonates nearly3,000 years after those first games. Our local guide brings the story of Olympia to life with tales of sporting heroes,revered gods, and generations of families who have lived on this land. The museum is a short walk from the site andcontains the 4th-century BCE statue of Hermes by Praxiteles, plus several finds from the excavations, includingPaeonius’ Nike of Victory, who according to Olympic legend, came down from the heavens to hand a palm leaf toevery winner.Option 2 – Half day experience: Farm and FeastNestled among olive trees and vineyards, this 30-acre, family-owned estate lies approximately 45 minutes from theport in the picturesque region of Floka near Ancient Olympia. Embracing traditional farming methods and organiccultivation passed down through generations, the estate exudes a timeless charm. Upon arrival, guests are greetedwith a classic shot of ouzo, a beloved Greek spirit celebrated for its distinct anise flavour and potent clarity. Integralto Greek culture, ouzo is often savoured as an aperitif or paired with meze (small dishes).Accompanying the ouzo is a freshly baked local pie, served as our hosts share insights into the estate’s non-mechanised olive-harvesting techniques. Delve into a captivating history of olive oil and its revered properties,underscoring the profound connection between Greek cuisine and the land. Enjoy a leisurely stroll around the farm,interacting with the resident animals. Later, we gather in the charming stone farmhouse, now transformed into acosy dining area. Here, indulge in a feast of traditional flavours sourced from the farm and the local area,complemented by the estate’s wine drawn straight from large oak barrels. Our visit culminates in true Greek stylewith a lively sirtaki dance. Join in the celebration as guests and newfound friends of the estate embrace the joyousspirit of Opa! Read More
Celebrated for its famous olives, Kalamata is the capital of the Messenia region. Having withstood variouscivilisations, including the Byzantines, Franks, Venetians, and Ottomans, it invites us to explore a slice of thePeloponnese Peninsula. Today its acts as our gateway to a coastl... Celebrated for its famous olives, Kalamata is the capital of the Messenia region. Having withstood variouscivilisations, including the Byzantines, Franks, Venetians, and Ottomans, it invites us to explore a slice of thePeloponnese Peninsula. Today its acts as our gateway to a coastline of Medieval castles and a chance to savour thelocal olives. The renowned black Kalamata olives are a must-try, and visiting a local producer to sample these olivesand pick up a bottle of extra virgin olive oil is a must. Many local producers are still small-scale and family-run,offering an authentic experience.Alternatively, you can explore Kalamata’s vibrant central market. Its Saturday, with hundreds of vendors andproducers setting up stalls to offer a wide range of fruits and vegetables, including Kalamata olives. You’ll also find avariety of local delicacies, such as sfela cheese (a semi-hard cheese made from sheep or cow milk), pasteli, honey,lalagia (fried dough), and Poliani apples.This vibrant harbour city is dominated by a rocky outcrop, which, although formerly a Greek Argos, now hosts theFrankish-built 13th-century Castle of Isabeau. The castle offers dramatic panoramic views across the Messenian Gulf.At its base, the Palia Poli, or Old City, provides an eclectic open-air venue for theatre, music, and dance shows. Thecity’s charm lies in its blend of historical allure and contemporary vibe. It continues to thrive as a centre ofagriculture, with its famed almond-shaped olives exported worldwide, and locally produced olive oil coveted as asymbol of Greek culinary expertise.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: Ancient Messini and Kalamata OlivesOur morning begins with a journey into the ancient past and present as we explore the ruins of Messini, visit thevillage of Androusa, and discover the essence of the kalamata olive. Nestled below the village of Mavromati, theextensive ruins of Messini sprawl across a hillside, comparable in scope to sites like Delphi and Epidaurus. Foundedaround the 4th century BCE, Ancient Messini thrived as a prominent city-state for 350 years under Spartan rulebefore gaining independence. Explore its expansive theatre and formidable city walls, offering an insight to the city’sformer political, cultural and religious life. Further down the hill, we find a large stadium, surrounded by a forest ofrestored columns. Invading Romans transformed part of the athletics track into a gladiator arena, complete with VIPseats adorned with lion backs and paw-shaped legs. Nearby, by the rebuilt gate of the immense gymnasium, discoverround holes in stone slabs – Roman public toilets ingeniously positioned over a stream.No visit to Kalamata is complete without a nod to its famed olives. Afterward, immerse yourself in the timelesstradition of olive oil production in Androusa village. Visit a traditional olive mill to observe the meticulous processfrom olive cultivation to oil extraction, followed by an exclusive tasting session to savour the rich flavours of locallycrafted olive oil, celebrated for its quality and distinctive Mediterranean character.Option 2 – Morning experience: Medieval Methoni and PylosOur drive follows the scenic coast for an exploration of two magnificent Venetian castles and their waterfrontvillages. Methoni Castle, built in the early 13th century on a rocky promontory, ranks among the Mediterranean’slargest. It boasts a stone bridge with 14 arches, and houses relics of Ottoman bathhouses and immured reliefs.Adjacent is Bourtzi, once a prison during Turkish rule.Pylos Castle, constructed by the Turks in 1573, showcases 16th-century military architecture fortified by Europeanengineers against land and sea attacks. Venetian enhancements from 1686 to 1715 added the Zematistra gateway,Evdomos and Santa Maria bastions, and cannon embrasures on the south wall, flanked by towers like theMakrygiannis Tower. The castle encloses a hexagonal citadel with a moat.Immersing ourselves in the rich history of these Venetian fortresses and experiencing their strategic significance is atrue insight into the everlasting importance of the coastline of the Peloponnese. Read More
Crete, the largest of the Greek islands hosts our journey for the next two days. This land of myths, history, andnatural wonders is steeped in ancient mythology. In fact, Crete is believed to be the birthplace of Zeus, king of thegods. Its labyrinthine ruins resonate with tales of t... Crete, the largest of the Greek islands hosts our journey for the next two days. This land of myths, history, andnatural wonders is steeped in ancient mythology. In fact, Crete is believed to be the birthplace of Zeus, king of thegods. Its labyrinthine ruins resonate with tales of the Minotaur and King Minos. The Minoans, Europe’s oldestcivilisation, have left behind the formidable Palace of Knossos, now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Crete’s landscapeis equally captivating, with rugged mountains, fertile plains, and idyllic beaches kissed by azure waters. Charmingvillages dot the countryside, where time seems to stand still amidst whitewashed buildings adorned with vibrantbougainvillea. Whether exploring ancient ruins, enjoying the island’s rugged landscapes or simply soaking in theisland’s laid-back atmosphere, Crete offers a captivating experience for all who visit.Our first stop is Souda, the bustling port of Chania, known for its eclectic Old Town and scenic surrounding plains.This area provides a range of interesting experiences to explore.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: Walk Chania Old Town and Artisan DemonstrationStarting at the port of Chania, our journey takes us through the Akrotiri Peninsula to Chania Old Town, built upon anancient Minoan settlement dating back to 3600 BC. This historic city has witnessed the reigns of Byzantines, Arabs,Venetians, and Ottomans before uniting with Greece. Explore Chania Old Town on a guided walking tour, wheremillennia of Greek history unfold amid Hellenistic walls, Ottoman bathhouses, and Venetian bastions.Driving through the city, we arrive in Chania’s Old Town, where our local guide captivates us with stories of the city’spast and present. Wander through narrow cobblestone alleys lined with shops, cafés, and restaurants, each districtrevealing its unique history and character rooted in the ancient city of Kydonia. Discover the influences of Muslim,Jewish, and Christian cultures interwoven throughout Chania’s eclectic past. Along the way, experience a uniquepottery demonstration, offering a hands-on glimpse into Chania’s artisanal heritage and enriching your explorationof this storied city.Option 2 – Morning experience: The Holocaust of ArkadiUnlike any other site on Crete, the Monastery of Arkadi offers a profound insight into the island's relentlessdetermination to remain true to its identity. Perched on a plateau near Mount Psiloritis, this historic monasterystands as a powerful symbol of Crete’s quest for freedom from Ottoman rule. Likely founded in the early 14thcentury, the monastery was transformed into a priory in 1572. During the Cretan uprising against the Ottomans,Arkadi became a revolutionary stronghold. On November 9th, 1866, 15,000 Ottoman troops led by Suleyman theMagnificent surrounded the monastery, laying siege with 30 cannons. Despite a valiant defense by the 350 armedmen, and 600 women and children who lived nearby, the monastery eventually fell after intense fighting. In adesperate act of defiance, the gunpowder storage was ignited, leading to a massacre now known as the Holocaust ofArkadi.Today, the Monastery of Arkadi invites visitors to explore its monumental site, which symbolises Crete's enduringspirit. On a locally guided tour we discover its ornate church, and delve into the small museum where Byzantineicons, religious artifacts, and poignant relics from the tragic events of the Holocaust of Arkadi vividly bring theisland’s dramatic past to life.Option 3 – Morning / lunch experience: Cretian Agrofarm experienceToday, we journey to the rural Rethymno area. Our destination is an Agrofram that showcases centuries-old farmingmethods amidst traditional surroundings with stone outhouses, vineyards, and organic gardens. At the farm, ourhosts will introduce us to their livestock while demonstrating the traditional farming techniques still in use today.You will see where they produce fragrant cheeses, the vat where grapes are tread by hand (or rather, feet) in theautumn, and the wine press where we can sample organic wine.After lighting the wood-burning stove, we will try our hand at traditional bread making, crafting our own breadshapes to enjoy hot from the oven with olive oil, just as the locals do. Under a shady pergola with views over theolive groves down to the sea, we will savour a sumptuous organic lunch with organic wine. The lunch menu typicallyincludes Sfougato (traditional pie with free-range eggs), stuffed vegetables with feta, hand-picked salad,Myzithropitakia with honey, fresh seasonal fruits, Greek coffee, and red and white organic wine. Additionally, we’lllearn about Raki, a traditional spirit distilled from the remnants of grapes used in winemaking. This potent drink isoften enjoyed as a symbol of hospitality and celebration. (Note: Your experience may differ from the itinerary aboveas farms are chosen subject to availability. Each with its own unique produce and livestock.) Read More
Agios Nikólaos, Kríti
Our second stop on Crete is the renowned city of Agios Nikolaos, a seaside town rich in historical charm. The town’scenterpiece, Voulismeni Lake, is steeped in mythology, with ancient legends claiming that the goddesses Athena andArtemis bathed in its serene waters. Surrounded by dr... Our second stop on Crete is the renowned city of Agios Nikolaos, a seaside town rich in historical charm. The town’scenterpiece, Voulismeni Lake, is steeped in mythology, with ancient legends claiming that the goddesses Athena andArtemis bathed in its serene waters. Surrounded by dramatic red rock formations, the lake connects to the sea via anarrow canal, creating a mythical atmosphere.Exploring the town’s shops you can find unique traditional Cretian art artifacts, replicas from local archaeologicalmuseums, Cretian jewellery, and intricate embroidery. Additionally, local products and delicacies offer a taste of theregion’s rich culinary heritage. The town is surrounded by stunning beaches, easily accessible from the downtownarea. A popular beach is just a short distance away, offering visitors a perfect spot to relax and soak in the seasidevibe.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: The Minoan Capital of KnossosOne hour’s drive from Agios Nikolaos we discover the Knossos excavation site, where we meet the fascinating earlycivilisation of the Minoans. Sir Arthur Evans’ archaeological discoveries unveiled a city dating back to 4000 B.C.,revealing the ancient Minoan Kingdom. The Minoans, renowned for their advanced culture, thrived on Crete withsophisticated art, architecture, and maritime trade, shaping the Aegean region’s early history. At Knossos, weexplore their Palace, adorned with frescoes, shields, the Hall of the Royal Guard, the King’s Chamber with itsalabaster throne, and the Queen’s Apartment. Originally built around 1900 BC, Knossos was rebuilt afterearthquakes and catastrophes.The Minoan civilisation declined following the eruption of Santorini around 1600 BC, which caused widespreaddevastation across the Aegean. Despite subsequent rebuilding efforts, including the Palace’s reconstruction, Knossosultimately succumbed to fire around 1400 BC. Our guide illuminates the Minoans’ cultural and technologicalachievements, offering insight into their religious practices, social structure, and economic prowess.Option 2 – Morning / lunch experience: Cretian Agrofarm experienceToday, we journey to the Cretian interior. Our destination is an Agrofarm that showcases centuries-old farmingmethods amidst traditional Cretian surroundings with stone outhouses, vineyards, and organic gardens. At the farm,our hosts will introduce us to their animals while demonstrating the traditional farming techniques still in use today.You will see where they produce fragrant cheeses, the vat where grapes are tread by hand (or rather, feet) in theautumn, and the wine press where we can sample organic wine.After lighting the wood-burning stove, we will try our hand at traditional bread making, crafting our own breadshapes to enjoy hot from the oven with olive oil, just as the locals do. Under a shady pergola with views over theolive groves down to the sea, we will savour a sumptuous organic lunch with organic wine. The lunch menu typicallyincludes Sfougato (traditional pie with free-range eggs), stuffed vegetables with feta, hand-picked salad,Myzithropitakia with honey, fresh seasonal fruits, Greek coffee, and red and white organic wine. Additionally, we willlearn about Raki, a traditional Cretian spirit distilled from the remnants of grapes used in winemaking. This potentdrink is often enjoyed as a symbol of hospitality and celebration. (Your experience may differ from the itineraryabove as farms are chosen subject to availability. Each with its own unique produce and livestock.)Option 3 – Half-day experience: A Modern Twist on an Ancient WineOur visit to a Cretan vineyard combines traditional winemaking with modern techniques. This family-run operationstarts with exceptional grapes nurtured through meticulous vineyard management and artisanal methods. Thewinemaking process is both refined and minimalist, with most vinification done in double-hulled stainless-steeltanks. Recent innovations in oak fermentation are set to enhance the red wines, which age in oak barrels for 10months, while roussanne is matured in small oak barrels.Your journey begins with a walk through the family home gardens, followed by a tour of the production area, winecellars and bottling facilities. The experience concludes with a tasting of five distinct Cretan wines, accompanied by amezze plate of local delicacies. Cretan wines, with their deep-rooted history and modern resurgence, offer a uniqueand flavourful exploration of the island’s rich viticultural heritage. Read More

Popular with culture enthusiasts and beach aficionados alike, Rhodes is the largest and most historically significant ofGreece’s Dodecanese islands. Known for its medieval Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Rhodes boastsancient ruins and cobblestone laneways that transport us b... Popular with culture enthusiasts and beach aficionados alike, Rhodes is the largest and most historically significant ofGreece’s Dodecanese islands. Known for its medieval Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Rhodes boastsancient ruins and cobblestone laneways that transport us back to the days of medieval Europe, with two fascinating‘Your Choice’ experiences on offer this morning, leaving the afternoon free to explore independently before we saillate-afternoon.The island’s rich history is highlighted by two notable periods. After the Fourth Crusade, the Knights Hospitallers,fleeing Cyprus, were granted the island by Pope Clement V. They ruled for two centuries, constructing the impressivePalace of the Grand Master and fortifying the island. Their rule ended with the arrival of Suleiman the Magnificent,who, despite his conquest, allowed the Knights to leave with all the wealth they could carry. Whether exploringancient sites or enjoying its sunny beaches, visitors to Rhodes will find a destination on where the past and presentweave a fascinating tale.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: The Knights of St John and Medieval RhodesThe excursion begins with a short walk from the ship to the entrance of the Old Town, where our local guide leads usthrough this UNESCO-listed town. The Old Town lies apart from the New Town, sealed like a medieval time capsulebehind a double ring of high walls and a deep moat. Nowhere else in the Dodecanese boasts so many layers ofarchitectural history, with ruins and relics of the classical, medieval, Ottoman, and Italian eras intertwined in a mazeof twisting alleys.Entering through the D’Amboise Gate, we visit the Grand Master’s Palace, the most imposing building of medievalRhodes. The palace and ‘The Street of the Knights,’ built in the 14th century, have remained largely untouched bytime. The Knights of Rhodes, also known as the Knights Hospitaller, where a Christian military order granted theisland in 1309 by the Byzantine Empire. They fortified Rhodes to defend against Ottoman forces, establishing it as acultural and trade centre. Despite their defeat by the Ottomans in 1522, their architectural legacy remains. It is oneof the rare survivors of the medieval world, standing unscathed as a piece of the past.Option 2 – Morning experience: The Ancient City of LindosA one-hour scenic drive along the East Coast of the island takes us to Lindos. Renowned as the most attractive villageon Rhodes, the nearby ancient site boasts significant historical structures, including the Great Stoa, the Temple ofAthena Lindia from the 4th century BCE, the ancient theatre, and the remnants of the Temple of Dionysus. TheAcropolis, perched atop a sheer rock rising 115 meters above the sea, offers unparalleled views of the sea.Lindos itself is a medieval village built around the base of the steep rock leading to the Acropolis. As you wanderthrough its narrow, winding streets, you will encounter traditionally built white stone houses adorned withdecorated pebble stone floors. Many of these houses date back to the 15th and 16th centuries, providing a glimpseinto the village’s storied past.Historically, Lindos was a significant city-state in ancient Greece, founded by the Dorians in the 10th century BC. Itbecame a major trading centre, flourishing during the Archaic period when its influence extended across theMediterranean. Lindos is also linked to various myths and legends, including Cleobulus, one of the Seven Sages ofGreece, who ruled the city.As you explore Lindos, you will discover its rich history reflected in the architecture and archaeological remainsscattered throughout the village. From its ancient roots to its medieval heritage, Lindos offers a unique journeythrough time, making it a must-visit destination on the island of Rhodes. Read More

As we arrive at Santorini, it is easy to see why this iconic island is a favourite among travellers. The sheer cliffssoaring above the Aegean Sea are awe-inspiring as we cross the immense crater of a submerged volcano that leadsto its shores. Shaped by a cataclysmic eruption 3,600 y... As we arrive at Santorini, it is easy to see why this iconic island is a favourite among travellers. The sheer cliffssoaring above the Aegean Sea are awe-inspiring as we cross the immense crater of a submerged volcano that leadsto its shores. Shaped by a cataclysmic eruption 3,600 years ago, Santorini is famed for its striking sunsets and uniquecaldera views. Named Thira in ancient times, Santorini has always attracted the curious. Its ancient ruins, includingthe Minoan site of Akrotiri, offer a rich cultural heritage reflected in local cuisine, wine production, vibrant festivals,and artisanal crafts. Whether wandering through the charming streets of Oia or enjoying the unique black sandbeaches, Santorini offers a deeply enriching experience that melds history and natural beauty into the ideal GrecianIsland.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: The village of Pygros and Wine Tasting Santorini StyleAscending Santorini's rocky caldera wall we reach Pyrgos, the highest village on the island, and enjoy breathtakingvistas. Pyrgos, once the capital of Santorini, preserves its traditional charm with narrow, winding streets,whitewashed houses, and blue-domed churches. Explore the remains of the Venetian Kasteli, a testament to theisland's medieval period, offering panoramic views of the landscape. Take a guided walking tour through the village'slabyrinthine lanes, discovering its unique charm and rich history. Visit the Church of Theotokaki, one of the island'soldest churches. Pyrgos' stunning views and historical significance make it a must-visit destination on Santorini.Afterwards, a short drive takes us to one of the island’s most acclaimed wineries, where we sample the locallyproduced wines. Here, we’ll learn about the “kalathies” vines and the unique way locals have been growing grapesfor centuries and explore the cave-like cellars housed in beautiful traditional architecture. Following our winetasting, we continue across the island to the capital of Santorini, Fira. Fira boasts fantastic views over the Calderaand offers an array of tempting boutiques and craft stores. Enjoy leisure time before our cable car ride takes us fromFira to the port below, where we tender back to our ship.Option 2 – Morning experience: Akotiri, Fira and the village of OiaSetting off from the port of Athinios, we drive to the ancient site of Akrotiri. This Bronze Age settlement, destroyedby a massive eruption in the 17th century BC, was buried under volcanic ash, which remarkably preserved the entirecity. The people of Akrotiri were advanced for their time, with a well-organised society evidenced by theirsophisticated infrastructure, vibrant frescoes, and complex urban layout. Its inhabitants had a high standard of living,with access to imported goods from across the Mediterranean. The ruins remained hidden until 1860, when workersquarrying volcanic ash for the Suez Canal uncovered them. The discovery of their homes and artifacts providesvaluable insights into their daily lives and societal structure.Next, our coach takes us to the picturesque village of Oia, home to around 1,000 residents. This charming village isrenowned for its immaculate, white-washed houses and blue-domed churches. The residents here live a relaxed andtraditional lifestyle surrounded by stunning views across the Aegean. You will have free time to capture stunningphotos and explore the quaint streets before we continue to the capital town of Fira, where we wander its narrowalleyways at leisure, before our tour ends with a scenic cable car ride from Fira down to the port, where our tenderawaits. Read More

This morning, we arrive at one of Greece’s most renowned islands. The island of Mykonos, with its iconicwhitewashed buildings and charming cobblestone lanes, has been a crossroads of cultures for centuries. Renownedfor their hospitality, the people of Mykonos excel at making visitor... This morning, we arrive at one of Greece’s most renowned islands. The island of Mykonos, with its iconicwhitewashed buildings and charming cobblestone lanes, has been a crossroads of cultures for centuries. Renownedfor their hospitality, the people of Mykonos excel at making visitors feel at home amid the island’s historicaltreasures and picturesque landscapes. From ancient ruins to traditional windmills, Mykonos offers a captivatingglimpse into a storied past. The local cuisine, festivals and vibrant arts scene reflect a deep cultural heritage, makingMykonos a unique and enriching destination. While recent years have boosted its reputation for vibrant nightlife,bustling beaches, and world-famous beach clubs, there is much more to discover beyond the surface of this famedisland. Delve deeper, and you will find a community that embraces tradition, a fact that truly shines when youengage with the locals. Take the time to chat with them, and you will find that the true wealth of Mykonos lies in itspeople.Spending time at one of Mykonos’s famous beaches is a popular way to enjoy your day. If this is your preference, werecommend taking a taxi from the port to your chosen beach. Many of Mykonos’ beaches are lined with restaurants,clubs, and hotels, which provide rows of recliners on the section of the beach adjacent to their property. Theseestablishments often offer food and beverages to their beachfront clients and charge a fee for using their facilities.Therefore, be prepared to pay when visiting many of Mykonos’ beaches.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: Iconic MykonosExplore some of Mykonos’ most stunning locations this morning on this locally guided tour. Witness local fishermenwith their “kaikis” (traditional fishing boats), admire the quaint private chapels, and marvel at the charming Cycladicarchitecture. Your first destination is Ano Mera, a quintessential Cycladic village that enchants visitors with itsbeauty. At its heart lies the historic Panagia Tourliani Monastery, a cultural and spiritual landmark. Ano Mera servesas a gateway to renowned beaches like Elia and Kalafatis. The village’s public square is encircled by a labyrinth ofinterconnected lanes, where traditional bakeries, cafes, and taverns offer an authentic taste of local life. Next, youwill visit Kalafatis Beach, where you can enjoy free time to soak in the stunning blue waters of the Aegean Sea.The tour continues with a walking tour of Mykonos Town, also known as Chora. This mesmerising town is a maze ofnarrow streets, characterised by brilliant white buildings adorned with vibrant blue accents. The bustling alleywaysare filled with chic boutiques, quaint cafes, and lively tavernas, offering a diverse array of experiences. The iconicwindmills, once used to mill grain and a symbol of the island’s agricultural past, stand proudly overlooking theAegean Sea. The enchanting waterfront area of ‘Little Venice’ blends historical charm and contemporary vibe.Option 2 – Morning experience: Mythical DelosMore than any island in the Cyclades archipelago, Delos holds immense significance in Greek mythology and history.Revered as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis, this ancient land was a paramount religious and cultural centre.Delos thrived from around 900 BC to AD 100, evolving from a sacred shrine to a bustling commercial hub. However,its decline began after repeated attacks by pirates in the 1st century BC and the eventual shift of trade routes,leading to its abandonment. Today, Delos is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, boasting some of the most extensiveexcavations in the Mediterranean, with ongoing archaeological work still taking place.Located fourteen kilometres off the coast of Mykonos, a thirty-minute boat ride transports us to this historicaltreasure. We immerse ourselves in the remnants of its ancient civilization, strolling through the sacred Agora andalong the iconic Terrace of the Lions, while our guide will bring this ancient city to life. Whether you are a historyenthusiast or simply enjoy a good story, Delos promises a mesmerising experience unlike any other. Upon returningto Mykonos, the tour continues with a walking tour of Mykonos Town, where we explore the Matoyiannia area andvisit the famous windmills before returning to our ship.As we say goodbye to Mykonos, we enjoy a Farewell dinner onboard while heading towards the Greek mainland.With everything we've experienced, it really does feel like 'It’s all Greek to me.' Read More

After breakfast, disembark the ship and bid farewell to your fellow passengers before being transferred to Athensairport for your onward journey.We strongly recommend scheduling your departure for after 1:00 pm today to ensure you have sufficient time tocatch your flight.
Agios Nikólaos, Kríti

Welcome to Athens. On arrival at Athens airport, make your way to the Arrivals Hall, to meet our representative,followed by a transfer to our group hotel. At the hotel, visit our hospitality desk in the lobby to meet our team whowill provide you with useful information regarding pre... Welcome to Athens. On arrival at Athens airport, make your way to the Arrivals Hall, to meet our representative,followed by a transfer to our group hotel. At the hotel, visit our hospitality desk in the lobby to meet our team whowill provide you with useful information regarding pre-embarkation procedures and about your time in Athens. Youwill also receive cabin tags for your luggage. Please clearly label the tags with your name and your cabin number onthe ship. This evening offers time to relax in preparation for tomorrow.Accommodation: Athens Hotel Read More

After breakfast, enjoy a morning ‘Your Choice’ experience. Rejoin the coach to return to our hotel or take a stroll tothe city’s popular Plaka precinct, nearby. A series of streets and laneways filled with restaurants, cafes and shops, itis the perfect place to grab a bite to eat or... After breakfast, enjoy a morning ‘Your Choice’ experience. Rejoin the coach to return to our hotel or take a stroll tothe city’s popular Plaka precinct, nearby. A series of streets and laneways filled with restaurants, cafes and shops, itis the perfect place to grab a bite to eat or shop for gifts to take home (lunch own expense). This evening, wecelebrate the start to our journey in true Greek style, with a Welcome Event.With a history stretching back 3,500 years, Athens is a city rich with stories. Known as the ‘cradle of civilization’ andcelebrated as the birthplace of democracy, philosophy, and theatre, Athens seamlessly blends its storied past withits lively present. This bustling metropolis, home to three million residents, is dotted with ancient landmarks liketemples, iconic columns, and former city centres. Athens' influence in antiquity reached far beyond its borders,ushering in a Golden Age of political debate, education, and philosophy, and hosting figures such as Socrates, Plato,and Aristotle. The democratic principles developed here laid the foundation for modern governance systems aroundthe world.However, Athens is more than just an ancient relic. Having weathered numerous invasions, it has evolved into a citywith rich architectural styles, culinary traditions, and cultural practices. Whether you're exploring ancient ruins orsavouring modern Greek cuisine, Athens offers a fascinating journey through history, inviting travellers from allcorners of the globe to experience its enduring charm.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: A Taste of AthensFor foodie fans, travellers who have visited Athens before, and those who enjoy a personal view of Athens, thisexperience is perfect. We begin our guided walk at Syntagma Square, where Greece’s Parliament building stands,guarded by traditionally attired Evzone guards. Our local expert warmly welcomes you to their home city, leadingyou on an intriguing walking tour through Athens’ historical areas. With passion and knowledge, they unveilauthentic Athens and its secrets.Stroll through Plaka, the charming ‘old quarter’ of Athens nestled at the base of the Acropolis. Admire its eclecticneoclassical architecture, picturesque alleys, and inviting tavernas. Pause at a colourful local cafe to indulge in Greekdelicacies such as olives, fragrant cheeses and cured meats.Continue through Monastir Aki, famous for its bustling flea market and vibrant shops brimming with local crafts andsouvenirs. From there, we wander to Thission, offering the best panoramic views of the Acropolis, Ancient Agora,and the majestic Temple of Hephaestus. Here, we treat ourselves to a traditional Greek coffee, accompaniedperhaps by a sweet delight like baklava, a favourite among Greeks for its rich layers of pastry, nuts and honey. Ourmorning offers us a taste of this fascinating city.Option 2 – Morning experience: Classic AthensThis comprehensive tour combines a visit to the Acropolis with the city’s major landmarks. Begin with a view of theGreek parliament at Syntagma Square, once a royal residence, where the iconic Evzones still stand guard intraditional attire. Next, enjoy a brief photo stop at the Panathenaic Stadium, the site of the first modern OlympicGames in 1896, where athletes revived the ancient Olympic spirit.Continue past the Temple of Zeus and the Zappeion and view the National Library and University of Athens before ascenic drive to the Acropolis of Athens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built in the 5th century BCE, the Acropolisserved as a citadel and religious centre dedicated to Athena, the city’s patron goddess. Explore remarkablestructures like the Parthenon, Propylaia, Erechtheion, and the Temple of Athena Nike, showcasing the grandeur ofAncient Greece.Perched high above the city, the Acropolis is not only an architectural marvel, but also a symbol of the birthplace ofdemocracy. This ancient citadel stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Greek culture and ideals,representing advancements in art, architecture and political thought that originated in Athens. Feel the essence ofcivic pride and religious devotion in ancient Greek society, at the city’s centre for political and cultural life. TheParthenon exemplifies the height of classical Greek architecture, adorned with Doric columns and intricatesculptures. Built under the leadership of Pericles, the Parthenon symbolised the city’s wealth and power, with friezesand statues depicting various mythological scenes.After touring the Acropolis, take a short walk to the Acropolis Museum. This modern museum houses over 3,000artefacts from the Athenian Acropolis, offering unique insights into ancient Greek life and including anarchaeological excavation beneath it. (*Please note: Entrance time to the Acropolis is a local government stipulatedtime slot. The sequence of the above itinerary may change once the specific time slot is allocated.)Rejoin the coach for a short drive to the hotel or take a stroll to the city’s popular Plaka precinct nearby. A series ofstreets and laneways filled with restaurants, cafes and shops, it is the perfect place to grab a bite to eat or shop forgifts to take home (lunch own expense).Option 3 – Morning experience: A Fetish for FetaDo you have a fetish for feta or go mad over moussaka? Don your apron and dive into an authentic Greek culinaryexperience. You’ll be in groups, with each group responsible for different aspects of meal preparation. Learn thesecrets behind some of Greece’s most beloved dishes as you bake bread, prep ingredients, and cook under theguidance of passionate local chefs. They will share their expertise, making the class both fun and informative.Afterwards, around the table, savour your creations with fellow participants, enjoying the fruits of your labour. Thisdelicious experience not only fills your stomach but also leaves you with lasting memories – and a passion for theMediterranean lifestyle.Accommodation: Athens HotelMeals: Breakfast, Welcome Event canapés Read More

Enjoy a leisurely morning in Athens. Revisit your favourite sites, explore the city’s markets and shops, or discoverhidden treasures on an independent exploration. Athens’ extensive metro network makes it easy to navigate thecity, while the warm Greek hospitality ensures you are nev... Enjoy a leisurely morning in Athens. Revisit your favourite sites, explore the city’s markets and shops, or discoverhidden treasures on an independent exploration. Athens’ extensive metro network makes it easy to navigate thecity, while the warm Greek hospitality ensures you are never far from helpful advice on how to make the most ofyour time.Mid-afternoon, we transfer from our hotel to the port of Piraeus to board the Douglas Mawson and sail towards thefamed Corinth Canal. This evening, we enjoy a ‘Welcome Aboard’ dinner where we meet our crew and onboardteam.Meals: Breakfast, Dinner onboard Read More
We wake this morning at the entrance to one of the world’s engineering wonders, the Corinth Canal. This narrowwaterway connects the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea, cutting through the Isthmus ofCorinth and saving vessels a significant 700-kilometre journey a... We wake this morning at the entrance to one of the world’s engineering wonders, the Corinth Canal. This narrowwaterway connects the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea, cutting through the Isthmus ofCorinth and saving vessels a significant 700-kilometre journey around the Peloponnese peninsula. Stretching 6.4kilometres and only 21 metres wide at its base, the Corinth Canal is one of the narrowest lock-free canals in theworld. Its towering limestone walls, reaching heights of up to 78 metres, create a dramatic passage for vessels,which almost touch its sides as they sail its path.The concept of cutting a canal through the isthmus dates to ancient times, with plans proposed by Periander ofCorinth in the 7th century BCE. Construction finally began under Roman Emperor Nero, only to halt upon his death.It was not until 1893 the canal was finally completed. Its construction was a monumental effort, involving theexcavation of millions of cubic metres of earth and rock, all dug at sea level. It stands as a remarkable achievement inengineering and continues to be a key route for maritime traffic, enhancing Greece’s role as a central hub in theMediterranean.Exiting the canal, we sail the Gulf of Corinth to Itea where our afternoon offers a glimpse into the life of the earlyGreeks, with a visit to the former city of Delphi. Our local guides tell tales of pilgrimage, sacrifice and early faiths aswe take a literal step into the world of ancient Greece.Revered throughout antiquity as a sacred site where pilgrims could glimpse the future, the Oracle of Delphi castcryptic prophecies for over a millennium. Dubbed the ‘navel of the world’ for its pivotal position in the Greek realm,Delphi drew pilgrims from all sectors of society, shaping critical decisions, from civic politics to personal destinies.Perched dramatically on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, the Oracle was esteemed as a direct conduit to the divinerealm of Apollo – the sun god. Revered for his beauty and creative prowess, Apollo symbolised order and harmony.As a result, Delphi became integral to Greek identity, reflecting its religious, cultural, and political life. It was aunifying site where people from various city-states gathered, fostering a sense of shared Hellenic heritage.Our journey leads us to the very site of the Oracle, alongside the opulent Treasury of the Athenians – a testament toofferings made. We pause at the ancient theatre, host to the prestigious Pythian Games, and the Castalian Spring,where pilgrims purified themselves before seeking counsel.Today, Delphi stands as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, its influence enduring through the annals of literature,history, and art. It remains a profound emblem of ancient wisdom and cultural legacy, cherished by Greece as abridge to its storied past.Returning to the ship we sail to Greece’s classic, the Peloponnese Peninsular. Read More

Today, our ‘Your Choice’ experiences are truly Olympic in scope, offering you two classic Greek treats. A brief ten-minute walk from our berth, finds a variety of shops and restaurants to explore. Just a short distance away, thepopular pebbled Plakes Beach awaits, and the sandy stre... Today, our ‘Your Choice’ experiences are truly Olympic in scope, offering you two classic Greek treats. A brief ten-minute walk from our berth, finds a variety of shops and restaurants to explore. Just a short distance away, thepopular pebbled Plakes Beach awaits, and the sandy stretch of Agios Andreas Beach is a mere five-minute taxi ride.Steeped in maritime history, the picturesque port town of Katakolon remains the gateway to the ancient site ofOlympia, and our port for today. One of the most important sanctuaries in ancient Greece, Olympia was dedicated toZeus, the king of the gods. Every four years, athletes from across the Greek world gathered here to compete invarious sports, honouring Zeus and fostering unity among the city states. The busy port town of Katakolon itself is ahub of activity, with its quaint streets lined with shops and cafes, while the Katakolon Lighthouse and the Museum ofAncient Greek Technology offer insights into the region’s rich history.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: An Olympic EncounterRenowned as the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games, the 8th-century BCE site of Olympia was the Greekworld’s most revered religious sanctuary, dedicated to Zeus, the king of the gods. The site housed numeroustemples, altars, and sporting facilities, with the Temple of Zeus featuring a 40-foot statue of Zeus sitting on anelaborate cedarwood throne adorned with ebony, ivory, gold and precious stones. This statue was one of the SevenWonders of the Ancient World.Held every four years from 776 BCE to 393 CE, the games at Olympia attracted athletes from all over the Greekworld. Over 45,000 spectators cheered on their sporting heroes, who competed in a range of sports such as running,wrestling, boxing, and chariot racing. The games were not only a display of physical prowess, but also a celebrationof Greek unity and religious devotion. Victors were awarded olive wreaths and gained immense prestige and honourin their home cities.Today, Olympia continues to influence the modern Olympic Games. Many of the ancient sports, lost throughout thecenturies, were revived in 1896 by Pierre de Coubertin’s ‘Modern Olympics’. The Olympic flame, a symbol of peaceand unity, is lit in a ceremony at the ancient site of Olympia before every modern Olympics, and then relayed to thehost city. This tradition underscores the connection between the ancient and modern games. A visit to Olympia is alesson not only in its historical and archaeological importance, but also in its lasting impact on global culture throughthe ongoing tradition of the Olympic Games. The site fosters a spirit of unity and excellence that resonates nearly3,000 years after those first games. Our local guide brings the story of Olympia to life with tales of sporting heroes,revered gods, and generations of families who have lived on this land. The museum is a short walk from the site andcontains the 4th-century BCE statue of Hermes by Praxiteles, plus several finds from the excavations, includingPaeonius’ Nike of Victory, who according to Olympic legend, came down from the heavens to hand a palm leaf toevery winner.Option 2 – Half day experience: Farm and FeastNestled among olive trees and vineyards, this 30-acre, family-owned estate lies approximately 45 minutes from theport in the picturesque region of Floka near Ancient Olympia. Embracing traditional farming methods and organiccultivation passed down through generations, the estate exudes a timeless charm. Upon arrival, guests are greetedwith a classic shot of ouzo, a beloved Greek spirit celebrated for its distinct anise flavour and potent clarity. Integralto Greek culture, ouzo is often savoured as an aperitif or paired with meze (small dishes).Accompanying the ouzo is a freshly baked local pie, served as our hosts share insights into the estate’s non-mechanised olive-harvesting techniques. Delve into a captivating history of olive oil and its revered properties,underscoring the profound connection between Greek cuisine and the land. Enjoy a leisurely stroll around the farm,interacting with the resident animals. Later, we gather in the charming stone farmhouse, now transformed into acosy dining area. Here, indulge in a feast of traditional flavours sourced from the farm and the local area,complemented by the estate’s wine drawn straight from large oak barrels. Our visit culminates in true Greek stylewith a lively sirtaki dance. Join in the celebration as guests and newfound friends of the estate embrace the joyousspirit of Opa! Read More
Celebrated for its famous olives, Kalamata is the capital of the Messenia region. Having withstood variouscivilisations, including the Byzantines, Franks, Venetians, and Ottomans, it invites us to explore a slice of thePeloponnese Peninsula. Today its acts as our gateway to a coastl... Celebrated for its famous olives, Kalamata is the capital of the Messenia region. Having withstood variouscivilisations, including the Byzantines, Franks, Venetians, and Ottomans, it invites us to explore a slice of thePeloponnese Peninsula. Today its acts as our gateway to a coastline of Medieval castles and a chance to savour thelocal olives. The renowned black Kalamata olives are a must-try, and visiting a local producer to sample these olivesand pick up a bottle of extra virgin olive oil is a must. Many local producers are still small-scale and family-run,offering an authentic experience.Alternatively, you can explore Kalamata’s vibrant central market. Its Saturday, with hundreds of vendors andproducers setting up stalls to offer a wide range of fruits and vegetables, including Kalamata olives. You’ll also find avariety of local delicacies, such as sfela cheese (a semi-hard cheese made from sheep or cow milk), pasteli, honey,lalagia (fried dough), and Poliani apples.This vibrant harbour city is dominated by a rocky outcrop, which, although formerly a Greek Argos, now hosts theFrankish-built 13th-century Castle of Isabeau. The castle offers dramatic panoramic views across the Messenian Gulf.At its base, the Palia Poli, or Old City, provides an eclectic open-air venue for theatre, music, and dance shows. Thecity’s charm lies in its blend of historical allure and contemporary vibe. It continues to thrive as a centre ofagriculture, with its famed almond-shaped olives exported worldwide, and locally produced olive oil coveted as asymbol of Greek culinary expertise.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: Ancient Messini and Kalamata OlivesOur morning begins with a journey into the ancient past and present as we explore the ruins of Messini, visit thevillage of Androusa, and discover the essence of the kalamata olive. Nestled below the village of Mavromati, theextensive ruins of Messini sprawl across a hillside, comparable in scope to sites like Delphi and Epidaurus. Foundedaround the 4th century BCE, Ancient Messini thrived as a prominent city-state for 350 years under Spartan rulebefore gaining independence. Explore its expansive theatre and formidable city walls, offering an insight to the city’sformer political, cultural and religious life. Further down the hill, we find a large stadium, surrounded by a forest ofrestored columns. Invading Romans transformed part of the athletics track into a gladiator arena, complete with VIPseats adorned with lion backs and paw-shaped legs. Nearby, by the rebuilt gate of the immense gymnasium, discoverround holes in stone slabs – Roman public toilets ingeniously positioned over a stream.No visit to Kalamata is complete without a nod to its famed olives. Afterward, immerse yourself in the timelesstradition of olive oil production in Androusa village. Visit a traditional olive mill to observe the meticulous processfrom olive cultivation to oil extraction, followed by an exclusive tasting session to savour the rich flavours of locallycrafted olive oil, celebrated for its quality and distinctive Mediterranean character.Option 2 – Morning experience: Medieval Methoni and PylosOur drive follows the scenic coast for an exploration of two magnificent Venetian castles and their waterfrontvillages. Methoni Castle, built in the early 13th century on a rocky promontory, ranks among the Mediterranean’slargest. It boasts a stone bridge with 14 arches, and houses relics of Ottoman bathhouses and immured reliefs.Adjacent is Bourtzi, once a prison during Turkish rule.Pylos Castle, constructed by the Turks in 1573, showcases 16th-century military architecture fortified by Europeanengineers against land and sea attacks. Venetian enhancements from 1686 to 1715 added the Zematistra gateway,Evdomos and Santa Maria bastions, and cannon embrasures on the south wall, flanked by towers like theMakrygiannis Tower. The castle encloses a hexagonal citadel with a moat.Immersing ourselves in the rich history of these Venetian fortresses and experiencing their strategic significance is atrue insight into the everlasting importance of the coastline of the Peloponnese. Read More
Crete, the largest of the Greek islands hosts our journey for the next two days. This land of myths, history, andnatural wonders is steeped in ancient mythology. In fact, Crete is believed to be the birthplace of Zeus, king of thegods. Its labyrinthine ruins resonate with tales of t... Crete, the largest of the Greek islands hosts our journey for the next two days. This land of myths, history, andnatural wonders is steeped in ancient mythology. In fact, Crete is believed to be the birthplace of Zeus, king of thegods. Its labyrinthine ruins resonate with tales of the Minotaur and King Minos. The Minoans, Europe’s oldestcivilisation, have left behind the formidable Palace of Knossos, now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Crete’s landscapeis equally captivating, with rugged mountains, fertile plains, and idyllic beaches kissed by azure waters. Charmingvillages dot the countryside, where time seems to stand still amidst whitewashed buildings adorned with vibrantbougainvillea. Whether exploring ancient ruins, enjoying the island’s rugged landscapes or simply soaking in theisland’s laid-back atmosphere, Crete offers a captivating experience for all who visit.Our first stop is Souda, the bustling port of Chania, known for its eclectic Old Town and scenic surrounding plains.This area provides a range of interesting experiences to explore.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: Walk Chania Old Town and Artisan DemonstrationStarting at the port of Chania, our journey takes us through the Akrotiri Peninsula to Chania Old Town, built upon anancient Minoan settlement dating back to 3600 BC. This historic city has witnessed the reigns of Byzantines, Arabs,Venetians, and Ottomans before uniting with Greece. Explore Chania Old Town on a guided walking tour, wheremillennia of Greek history unfold amid Hellenistic walls, Ottoman bathhouses, and Venetian bastions.Driving through the city, we arrive in Chania’s Old Town, where our local guide captivates us with stories of the city’spast and present. Wander through narrow cobblestone alleys lined with shops, cafés, and restaurants, each districtrevealing its unique history and character rooted in the ancient city of Kydonia. Discover the influences of Muslim,Jewish, and Christian cultures interwoven throughout Chania’s eclectic past. Along the way, experience a uniquepottery demonstration, offering a hands-on glimpse into Chania’s artisanal heritage and enriching your explorationof this storied city.Option 2 – Morning experience: The Holocaust of ArkadiUnlike any other site on Crete, the Monastery of Arkadi offers a profound insight into the island's relentlessdetermination to remain true to its identity. Perched on a plateau near Mount Psiloritis, this historic monasterystands as a powerful symbol of Crete’s quest for freedom from Ottoman rule. Likely founded in the early 14thcentury, the monastery was transformed into a priory in 1572. During the Cretan uprising against the Ottomans,Arkadi became a revolutionary stronghold. On November 9th, 1866, 15,000 Ottoman troops led by Suleyman theMagnificent surrounded the monastery, laying siege with 30 cannons. Despite a valiant defense by the 350 armedmen, and 600 women and children who lived nearby, the monastery eventually fell after intense fighting. In adesperate act of defiance, the gunpowder storage was ignited, leading to a massacre now known as the Holocaust ofArkadi.Today, the Monastery of Arkadi invites visitors to explore its monumental site, which symbolises Crete's enduringspirit. On a locally guided tour we discover its ornate church, and delve into the small museum where Byzantineicons, religious artifacts, and poignant relics from the tragic events of the Holocaust of Arkadi vividly bring theisland’s dramatic past to life.Option 3 – Morning / lunch experience: Cretian Agrofarm experienceToday, we journey to the rural Rethymno area. Our destination is an Agrofram that showcases centuries-old farmingmethods amidst traditional surroundings with stone outhouses, vineyards, and organic gardens. At the farm, ourhosts will introduce us to their livestock while demonstrating the traditional farming techniques still in use today.You will see where they produce fragrant cheeses, the vat where grapes are tread by hand (or rather, feet) in theautumn, and the wine press where we can sample organic wine.After lighting the wood-burning stove, we will try our hand at traditional bread making, crafting our own breadshapes to enjoy hot from the oven with olive oil, just as the locals do. Under a shady pergola with views over theolive groves down to the sea, we will savour a sumptuous organic lunch with organic wine. The lunch menu typicallyincludes Sfougato (traditional pie with free-range eggs), stuffed vegetables with feta, hand-picked salad,Myzithropitakia with honey, fresh seasonal fruits, Greek coffee, and red and white organic wine. Additionally, we’lllearn about Raki, a traditional spirit distilled from the remnants of grapes used in winemaking. This potent drink isoften enjoyed as a symbol of hospitality and celebration. (Note: Your experience may differ from the itinerary aboveas farms are chosen subject to availability. Each with its own unique produce and livestock.) Read More
Agios Nikólaos, Kríti
Agios Nikólaos, Kríti
Our second stop on Crete is the renowned city of Agios Nikolaos, a seaside town rich in historical charm. The town’scenterpiece, Voulismeni Lake, is steeped in mythology, with ancient legends claiming that the goddesses Athena andArtemis bathed in its serene waters. Surrounded by dr... Our second stop on Crete is the renowned city of Agios Nikolaos, a seaside town rich in historical charm. The town’scenterpiece, Voulismeni Lake, is steeped in mythology, with ancient legends claiming that the goddesses Athena andArtemis bathed in its serene waters. Surrounded by dramatic red rock formations, the lake connects to the sea via anarrow canal, creating a mythical atmosphere.Exploring the town’s shops you can find unique traditional Cretian art artifacts, replicas from local archaeologicalmuseums, Cretian jewellery, and intricate embroidery. Additionally, local products and delicacies offer a taste of theregion’s rich culinary heritage. The town is surrounded by stunning beaches, easily accessible from the downtownarea. A popular beach is just a short distance away, offering visitors a perfect spot to relax and soak in the seasidevibe.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: The Minoan Capital of KnossosOne hour’s drive from Agios Nikolaos we discover the Knossos excavation site, where we meet the fascinating earlycivilisation of the Minoans. Sir Arthur Evans’ archaeological discoveries unveiled a city dating back to 4000 B.C.,revealing the ancient Minoan Kingdom. The Minoans, renowned for their advanced culture, thrived on Crete withsophisticated art, architecture, and maritime trade, shaping the Aegean region’s early history. At Knossos, weexplore their Palace, adorned with frescoes, shields, the Hall of the Royal Guard, the King’s Chamber with itsalabaster throne, and the Queen’s Apartment. Originally built around 1900 BC, Knossos was rebuilt afterearthquakes and catastrophes.The Minoan civilisation declined following the eruption of Santorini around 1600 BC, which caused widespreaddevastation across the Aegean. Despite subsequent rebuilding efforts, including the Palace’s reconstruction, Knossosultimately succumbed to fire around 1400 BC. Our guide illuminates the Minoans’ cultural and technologicalachievements, offering insight into their religious practices, social structure, and economic prowess.Option 2 – Morning / lunch experience: Cretian Agrofarm experienceToday, we journey to the Cretian interior. Our destination is an Agrofarm that showcases centuries-old farmingmethods amidst traditional Cretian surroundings with stone outhouses, vineyards, and organic gardens. At the farm,our hosts will introduce us to their animals while demonstrating the traditional farming techniques still in use today.You will see where they produce fragrant cheeses, the vat where grapes are tread by hand (or rather, feet) in theautumn, and the wine press where we can sample organic wine.After lighting the wood-burning stove, we will try our hand at traditional bread making, crafting our own breadshapes to enjoy hot from the oven with olive oil, just as the locals do. Under a shady pergola with views over theolive groves down to the sea, we will savour a sumptuous organic lunch with organic wine. The lunch menu typicallyincludes Sfougato (traditional pie with free-range eggs), stuffed vegetables with feta, hand-picked salad,Myzithropitakia with honey, fresh seasonal fruits, Greek coffee, and red and white organic wine. Additionally, we willlearn about Raki, a traditional Cretian spirit distilled from the remnants of grapes used in winemaking. This potentdrink is often enjoyed as a symbol of hospitality and celebration. (Your experience may differ from the itineraryabove as farms are chosen subject to availability. Each with its own unique produce and livestock.)Option 3 – Half-day experience: A Modern Twist on an Ancient WineOur visit to a Cretan vineyard combines traditional winemaking with modern techniques. This family-run operationstarts with exceptional grapes nurtured through meticulous vineyard management and artisanal methods. Thewinemaking process is both refined and minimalist, with most vinification done in double-hulled stainless-steeltanks. Recent innovations in oak fermentation are set to enhance the red wines, which age in oak barrels for 10months, while roussanne is matured in small oak barrels.Your journey begins with a walk through the family home gardens, followed by a tour of the production area, winecellars and bottling facilities. The experience concludes with a tasting of five distinct Cretan wines, accompanied by amezze plate of local delicacies. Cretan wines, with their deep-rooted history and modern resurgence, offer a uniqueand flavourful exploration of the island’s rich viticultural heritage. Read More

Popular with culture enthusiasts and beach aficionados alike, Rhodes is the largest and most historically significant ofGreece’s Dodecanese islands. Known for its medieval Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Rhodes boastsancient ruins and cobblestone laneways that transport us b... Popular with culture enthusiasts and beach aficionados alike, Rhodes is the largest and most historically significant ofGreece’s Dodecanese islands. Known for its medieval Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Rhodes boastsancient ruins and cobblestone laneways that transport us back to the days of medieval Europe, with two fascinating‘Your Choice’ experiences on offer this morning, leaving the afternoon free to explore independently before we saillate-afternoon.The island’s rich history is highlighted by two notable periods. After the Fourth Crusade, the Knights Hospitallers,fleeing Cyprus, were granted the island by Pope Clement V. They ruled for two centuries, constructing the impressivePalace of the Grand Master and fortifying the island. Their rule ended with the arrival of Suleiman the Magnificent,who, despite his conquest, allowed the Knights to leave with all the wealth they could carry. Whether exploringancient sites or enjoying its sunny beaches, visitors to Rhodes will find a destination on where the past and presentweave a fascinating tale.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: The Knights of St John and Medieval RhodesThe excursion begins with a short walk from the ship to the entrance of the Old Town, where our local guide leads usthrough this UNESCO-listed town. The Old Town lies apart from the New Town, sealed like a medieval time capsulebehind a double ring of high walls and a deep moat. Nowhere else in the Dodecanese boasts so many layers ofarchitectural history, with ruins and relics of the classical, medieval, Ottoman, and Italian eras intertwined in a mazeof twisting alleys.Entering through the D’Amboise Gate, we visit the Grand Master’s Palace, the most imposing building of medievalRhodes. The palace and ‘The Street of the Knights,’ built in the 14th century, have remained largely untouched bytime. The Knights of Rhodes, also known as the Knights Hospitaller, where a Christian military order granted theisland in 1309 by the Byzantine Empire. They fortified Rhodes to defend against Ottoman forces, establishing it as acultural and trade centre. Despite their defeat by the Ottomans in 1522, their architectural legacy remains. It is oneof the rare survivors of the medieval world, standing unscathed as a piece of the past.Option 2 – Morning experience: The Ancient City of LindosA one-hour scenic drive along the East Coast of the island takes us to Lindos. Renowned as the most attractive villageon Rhodes, the nearby ancient site boasts significant historical structures, including the Great Stoa, the Temple ofAthena Lindia from the 4th century BCE, the ancient theatre, and the remnants of the Temple of Dionysus. TheAcropolis, perched atop a sheer rock rising 115 meters above the sea, offers unparalleled views of the sea.Lindos itself is a medieval village built around the base of the steep rock leading to the Acropolis. As you wanderthrough its narrow, winding streets, you will encounter traditionally built white stone houses adorned withdecorated pebble stone floors. Many of these houses date back to the 15th and 16th centuries, providing a glimpseinto the village’s storied past.Historically, Lindos was a significant city-state in ancient Greece, founded by the Dorians in the 10th century BC. Itbecame a major trading centre, flourishing during the Archaic period when its influence extended across theMediterranean. Lindos is also linked to various myths and legends, including Cleobulus, one of the Seven Sages ofGreece, who ruled the city.As you explore Lindos, you will discover its rich history reflected in the architecture and archaeological remainsscattered throughout the village. From its ancient roots to its medieval heritage, Lindos offers a unique journeythrough time, making it a must-visit destination on the island of Rhodes. Read More

As we arrive at Santorini, it is easy to see why this iconic island is a favourite among travellers. The sheer cliffssoaring above the Aegean Sea are awe-inspiring as we cross the immense crater of a submerged volcano that leadsto its shores. Shaped by a cataclysmic eruption 3,600 y... As we arrive at Santorini, it is easy to see why this iconic island is a favourite among travellers. The sheer cliffssoaring above the Aegean Sea are awe-inspiring as we cross the immense crater of a submerged volcano that leadsto its shores. Shaped by a cataclysmic eruption 3,600 years ago, Santorini is famed for its striking sunsets and uniquecaldera views. Named Thira in ancient times, Santorini has always attracted the curious. Its ancient ruins, includingthe Minoan site of Akrotiri, offer a rich cultural heritage reflected in local cuisine, wine production, vibrant festivals,and artisanal crafts. Whether wandering through the charming streets of Oia or enjoying the unique black sandbeaches, Santorini offers a deeply enriching experience that melds history and natural beauty into the ideal GrecianIsland.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: The village of Pygros and Wine Tasting Santorini StyleAscending Santorini's rocky caldera wall we reach Pyrgos, the highest village on the island, and enjoy breathtakingvistas. Pyrgos, once the capital of Santorini, preserves its traditional charm with narrow, winding streets,whitewashed houses, and blue-domed churches. Explore the remains of the Venetian Kasteli, a testament to theisland's medieval period, offering panoramic views of the landscape. Take a guided walking tour through the village'slabyrinthine lanes, discovering its unique charm and rich history. Visit the Church of Theotokaki, one of the island'soldest churches. Pyrgos' stunning views and historical significance make it a must-visit destination on Santorini.Afterwards, a short drive takes us to one of the island’s most acclaimed wineries, where we sample the locallyproduced wines. Here, we’ll learn about the “kalathies” vines and the unique way locals have been growing grapesfor centuries and explore the cave-like cellars housed in beautiful traditional architecture. Following our winetasting, we continue across the island to the capital of Santorini, Fira. Fira boasts fantastic views over the Calderaand offers an array of tempting boutiques and craft stores. Enjoy leisure time before our cable car ride takes us fromFira to the port below, where we tender back to our ship.Option 2 – Morning experience: Akotiri, Fira and the village of OiaSetting off from the port of Athinios, we drive to the ancient site of Akrotiri. This Bronze Age settlement, destroyedby a massive eruption in the 17th century BC, was buried under volcanic ash, which remarkably preserved the entirecity. The people of Akrotiri were advanced for their time, with a well-organised society evidenced by theirsophisticated infrastructure, vibrant frescoes, and complex urban layout. Its inhabitants had a high standard of living,with access to imported goods from across the Mediterranean. The ruins remained hidden until 1860, when workersquarrying volcanic ash for the Suez Canal uncovered them. The discovery of their homes and artifacts providesvaluable insights into their daily lives and societal structure.Next, our coach takes us to the picturesque village of Oia, home to around 1,000 residents. This charming village isrenowned for its immaculate, white-washed houses and blue-domed churches. The residents here live a relaxed andtraditional lifestyle surrounded by stunning views across the Aegean. You will have free time to capture stunningphotos and explore the quaint streets before we continue to the capital town of Fira, where we wander its narrowalleyways at leisure, before our tour ends with a scenic cable car ride from Fira down to the port, where our tenderawaits. Read More

This morning, we arrive at one of Greece’s most renowned islands. The island of Mykonos, with its iconicwhitewashed buildings and charming cobblestone lanes, has been a crossroads of cultures for centuries. Renownedfor their hospitality, the people of Mykonos excel at making visitor... This morning, we arrive at one of Greece’s most renowned islands. The island of Mykonos, with its iconicwhitewashed buildings and charming cobblestone lanes, has been a crossroads of cultures for centuries. Renownedfor their hospitality, the people of Mykonos excel at making visitors feel at home amid the island’s historicaltreasures and picturesque landscapes. From ancient ruins to traditional windmills, Mykonos offers a captivatingglimpse into a storied past. The local cuisine, festivals and vibrant arts scene reflect a deep cultural heritage, makingMykonos a unique and enriching destination. While recent years have boosted its reputation for vibrant nightlife,bustling beaches, and world-famous beach clubs, there is much more to discover beyond the surface of this famedisland. Delve deeper, and you will find a community that embraces tradition, a fact that truly shines when youengage with the locals. Take the time to chat with them, and you will find that the true wealth of Mykonos lies in itspeople.Spending time at one of Mykonos’s famous beaches is a popular way to enjoy your day. If this is your preference, werecommend taking a taxi from the port to your chosen beach. Many of Mykonos’ beaches are lined with restaurants,clubs, and hotels, which provide rows of recliners on the section of the beach adjacent to their property. Theseestablishments often offer food and beverages to their beachfront clients and charge a fee for using their facilities.Therefore, be prepared to pay when visiting many of Mykonos’ beaches.Personalise your exploration with our included ‘Your Choice’ experiences.Option 1 – Morning experience: Iconic MykonosExplore some of Mykonos’ most stunning locations this morning on this locally guided tour. Witness local fishermenwith their “kaikis” (traditional fishing boats), admire the quaint private chapels, and marvel at the charming Cycladicarchitecture. Your first destination is Ano Mera, a quintessential Cycladic village that enchants visitors with itsbeauty. At its heart lies the historic Panagia Tourliani Monastery, a cultural and spiritual landmark. Ano Mera servesas a gateway to renowned beaches like Elia and Kalafatis. The village’s public square is encircled by a labyrinth ofinterconnected lanes, where traditional bakeries, cafes, and taverns offer an authentic taste of local life. Next, youwill visit Kalafatis Beach, where you can enjoy free time to soak in the stunning blue waters of the Aegean Sea.The tour continues with a walking tour of Mykonos Town, also known as Chora. This mesmerising town is a maze ofnarrow streets, characterised by brilliant white buildings adorned with vibrant blue accents. The bustling alleywaysare filled with chic boutiques, quaint cafes, and lively tavernas, offering a diverse array of experiences. The iconicwindmills, once used to mill grain and a symbol of the island’s agricultural past, stand proudly overlooking theAegean Sea. The enchanting waterfront area of ‘Little Venice’ blends historical charm and contemporary vibe.Option 2 – Morning experience: Mythical DelosMore than any island in the Cyclades archipelago, Delos holds immense significance in Greek mythology and history.Revered as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis, this ancient land was a paramount religious and cultural centre.Delos thrived from around 900 BC to AD 100, evolving from a sacred shrine to a bustling commercial hub. However,its decline began after repeated attacks by pirates in the 1st century BC and the eventual shift of trade routes,leading to its abandonment. Today, Delos is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, boasting some of the most extensiveexcavations in the Mediterranean, with ongoing archaeological work still taking place.Located fourteen kilometres off the coast of Mykonos, a thirty-minute boat ride transports us to this historicaltreasure. We immerse ourselves in the remnants of its ancient civilization, strolling through the sacred Agora andalong the iconic Terrace of the Lions, while our guide will bring this ancient city to life. Whether you are a historyenthusiast or simply enjoy a good story, Delos promises a mesmerising experience unlike any other. Upon returningto Mykonos, the tour continues with a walking tour of Mykonos Town, where we explore the Matoyiannia area andvisit the famous windmills before returning to our ship.As we say goodbye to Mykonos, we enjoy a Farewell dinner onboard while heading towards the Greek mainland.With everything we've experienced, it really does feel like 'It’s all Greek to me.' Read More

After breakfast, disembark the ship and bid farewell to your fellow passengers before being transferred to Athensairport for your onward journey.We strongly recommend scheduling your departure for after 1:00 pm today to ensure you have sufficient time tocatch your flight.




Agios Nikólaos, Kríti



*This holiday is generally suitable for persons with reduced mobility. For customers with reduced mobility or any medical condition that may require special assistance or arrangements to be made, please notify your Cruise Concierge at the time of your enquiry, so that we can provide specific information as to the suitability of the holiday, as well as make suitable arrangements with the Holiday Provider on your behalf.
What's Included with
AE Expeditions
From the start, AE Expeditions was destined to be different. Our passion for adventure, exploring wild places and sharing the experience with friends burns just as brightly as it did 30 years ago, as does our preference for small-group, personal expeditions.
Explore Douglas Mawson

Dining room
One of the most important parts of any expedition is the food! Whatever adventures the day holds, you will be fuelled-up with hearty meals and delicious morning/afternoon teas cooked by our onboard chefs.
Meals are a great time to soak up the expedition camaraderie in our open seating dining area. Share stories with your fellow travellers and ask our expedition team questions that may have come up during the day.
Tea, coffee and snacks are available 24 hours a day, and our chefs offer different menu options and courses for each meal. Enjoy the range of house wine, beers and soft drinks included with dinner after a long day in the wild.
We also invite you to join your captain and expedition team for informal Captain’s Farewell drinks, with complimentary beverages and cocktail appetisers, followed by a 3 course meal.
Top Deck Restaurant
The Top Deck Restaurant is located on deck 8.

Whether it’s adventure at sea or on land that makes you tick, we have a huge range of optional activities to help you make the most of your time in some of the most beautiful places on earth.
We encourage you to make the most of every opportunity to nurture your inner adventurer. You can choose from a range of add-on adventures to make the most of your time in these beautiful places. We have pioneered more adventure activities than any polar expedition cruising company to help you explore in your own way.
We’ll get you out for your optional activities as often as possible, and this will be your main mode of exploration through your trip. Your guides* will assess the conditions at each landing, and you’ll have the option to join whenever conditions allow.
Optional activities are popular and group sizes are limited, so if you’re interested, get in touch with our team as soon as possible. Optional activities are listed on each itinerary page and additional fees apply.
Activities Platform
The Douglas Mawson features Zodiac access points and an activities platform, making boarding the Zodiacs as quick, efficient and safe as possible, minimising wait times and getting you closer to the action for longer.
No need to take your wet expedition gear back to your cabin to dry. Keep your cabin warm and cosy by leaving your outer jackets and pants in the mudroom.
The mudroom is your launchpad for all shore excursions and activities. Here, you will have access to a locker when you can hang your gear up to dry, and store your boots between excursions.
Lecture Theatre
On all expeditions you will meet naturalists and local specialists, who offer presentations on their area of expertise to enhance your appreciation of the destination you are exploring.
Join the team in the lecture theatre for presentations covering a broad range of topics to suit every interest, from history and culture to biology and climate change. Regardless of the topic, they all have one thing in common: they all aim to engage, educate, entertain and turn you into an ambassador for the planet.

Bars & Lounges
Communal meeting areas have always played a major role in fostering the warm camaraderie on board our ships. They are the heart of the expedition, where people meet to share tales from the day, swap photos, keep an eye out for wildlife and watch the sun go down.
The bars and lounges on board are refined yet inviting places to gather, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering stunning views, and of course friendly bartenders to shoot the breeze with.
Citizen Science Centre and Lounge
Learn more about the world and the unique destinations Aurora visits by visiting the onboard naturalist and Expedition Team in the world-class Citizen Science Center. You will be rewarded for your thirst for knowledge with one of the best views on the ship.
With floor-to-ceiling windows, the library is a peaceful sanctuary where you can find non-fiction books to read up on the day’s destinations, use a public laptop to organise your photos or play board games with newfound friends.
Choose from our range of informative non-fiction titles, wildlife guidebooks, travel journals, novels and a selection of children’s books and board games.
Wildlife guides, books and binoculars can also be found on the observation lounge on Deck 7.
The Glass Atrium Lounge
As you explore the ship you will find indoor lounge areas with floor-to ceiling windows, and multiple open decks with expansive 270-360 degree views. The Glass Atrium Lounge inside the bow is a fantastic place to sit and watch for wildlife – with a drink in hand. There is no shortage of spaces to take in the majesty of the incredible world outside!
More information coming soon.
Sun Deck & Pool
In between landings, enjoy access to the onboard gym or unwind in the sauna. Or head to the back deck to swim in the heated outdoor pool, enjoy a drink at the pool bar, or soak in one of two Jacuzzis, watching the world go by.

There are two Jacuzzis on the top outside deck which offer amazing views of the world outside.
Gym & Sauna
During your voyage, enjoy complimentary access to the gym or visit our sauna, which we highly recommend after the Polar Plunge!
Deck 8

- Seating area
- Observation lounge
- Top-deck restaurant
- Bar
- Observation decks
- Elevator

Deck 7

- Gym
- Sauna
- Seating area
- Observation decks
- Swimming pool and sun deck
- Jacuzzis
- Bridge
- Elevator
- Junior Suite
- Aurora Stateroom Superior
- Aurora Stateroom Superior Single

Deck 6

- Library
- Upper glass atrium lounge
- Elevator
- Balcony Stateroom Superior
- Balcony Stateroom (A, B, C)
- Junior Suite

Deck 5

- Lecture room & lounge
- Assembly station
- Reception
- Ship shop
- Dining room
- Bar
- Lower glass atrium lounge
- Elevator
- Citizen Science centre

Deck 4

- Elevator
- Main entrance
- Expedition desk
- Captain's Suite
- Balcony Stateroom Superior
- Balcony Stateroom (A, B, C)

Deck 3

- Change room/mudroom
- Zodiac access points
- Activity launching platform
- Medical clinic
- Elevator
- Aurora Stateroom Triple
- Aurora Stateroom Twin
- Aurora Stateroom Superior Single
- Aurora Stateroom Single

Aurora Stateroom Twin
Cabin size: 15.37m² - 15.97m² (165.4ft² - 171.9ft²)
The Douglas Mawson features two Aurora Stateroom Twin cabins featuring windows, all with private en-suites. Located on Deck 3, they're close to the mudroom and loading platforms, perfect for adventurers who are looking for a comfortable base that's close to the action.
- King or twin bed
- Private en-suite
- Porthole window
- Closet space
- Room safe
- Mini bar*
- Desk area
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- 1 x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
*Please note mini bar items are chargeable in all cabins except Junior Suite and Captain’s Suite
- King or Twin Configuration
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- TV
- Safe
- Desk
- Mini Bar (Additional Cost)
- Dining Area
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Air Conditioning
Aurora Stateroom Triple
Cabin size: 22.57m2 (242.9ft2)
There are two Aurora Stateroom Triple cabins featuring portholes, both with private en-suites. Located on Deck 3, they're close to the mudroom and loading platforms.
- King or twin bed
- Private en-suite
- Porthole window
- Closet space
- Room safe
- Mini bar*
- Desk area
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- 1 x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
*Please note mini bar items are chargeable in all cabins except Junior Suite and Captain’s Suite
- One Single Bed
- King or Twin Configuration
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- TV
- Safe
- Desk
- Mini Bar (Additional Cost)
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Air Conditioning
Aurora Stateroom Superior Single
Deck 3 Cabin size: 15.18m2 (163.4ft2)
Deck 7 Cabin size: 10.97m2 (118.1ft2 )
There are four Aurora Stateroom Superior Single cabins featuring portholes, all with private en-suites. Located on Decks 3 & 7.
- Single bed
- Private en-suite
- Closet space
- Room safe
- Mini bar*
- Porthole window
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- 1x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
*Please note mini bar items are chargeable in all cabins except Junior Suite and Captain's Suite
- One Single Bed
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- TV
- Safe
- Desk
- Mini Bar (Additional Cost)
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Air Conditioning
Aurora Stateroom Single
Cabin size: 9.85m2 (106ft2)
There are two Aurora Stateroom Single cabins featuring portholes, all with private en-suites. Located on Deck 3, they're close to the mudroom and loading platforms.
- Single bed
- Private en-suite
- Closet space
- Room safe
- Mini bar*
- Porthole window
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- 1x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
*Please note mini bar items are chargeable in all cabins except Junior Suite and Captain's Suite
- One Single Bed
- Vanity Area
- Toiletries Provided
- TV
- Safe
- Desk
- Mini Bar (Additional Cost)
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Air Conditioning

Balcony Stateroom Superior
Cabin & balcony combined size: 27.77m2 - 36.27m2 (298.9ft2 - 390.4ft2)
With a bit more room to stretch the legs, the Balcony Stateroom Superior cabins are perfect for polar adventurers who travel with plenty of gear.
Located on Deck 4 and 6, the Staterooms feature floor to ceiling windows, en-suite bathrooms and a comfortable desk area.
Some of these rooms are equipped with wheelchair accessible bathrooms.
- Deck 4 & 6
- King or twin beds
- Private en-suite (wheelchair accessible available)
- Full size window
- Closet space
- Room safe
- Mini bar*
- Private balcony
- Desk area
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- 1 x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
- Some of these rooms are equipped with wheelchair accessible bathrooms.
- *Please note mini bar items are chargeable in all cabins except Junior Suite and Captain’s Suite
- King or Twin Configuration
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- TV
- Safe
- Desk
- Mini Bar (Additional Cost)
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Air Conditioning
Balcony Stateroom Category A
Cabin & balcony combined size: 21.07m2 - 26.77m2 (226.8ft² - 288.2ft2)
We have three cabin categories of our Balcony Staterooms. These are classified as A, B or C depending on the cabin size.
Our 25 Balcony Stateroom – A cabins are our premium cabin, and the most abundant on board. These cabins are located in preferred positions on Deck 4 and 6 which provides easy access between Decks via the internal stairs or elevator.
- King or twin bed
- Private en-suite
- Full size window
- Closet space
- Room safe
- Mini bar*
- Private balcony
- Desk area
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- 1 x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
- King or Twin Configuration
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- TV
- Safe
- Desk
- Mini Bar (Additional Cost)
- Lounge Area
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Air Conditioning
Balcony Stateroom Category B
Cabin & balcony combined size: 21.07m2 - 26.77m2 (226.8ft² - 288.2ft2)
We have three cabin categories of our Balcony Staterooms. These are classified as A, B or C depending on the cabin size.
Our 17 Balcony Stateroom – B Cabins are our standard cabin, many fitted with interconnecting features making them great for families or groups. These cabins are located at the fore and aft of Deck 4 and 6.
- King or twin bed
- Private en-suite
- Full size window
- Closet space
- Room safe
- Mini bar*
- Private balcony
- Desk area
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- 1 x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
*Please note mini bar items are chargeable in all cabins except Junior Suite and Captain’s Suite
- King or Twin Configuration
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- TV
- Safe
- Desk
- Mini Bar (Additional Cost)
- Lounge Area
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Air Conditioning
Balcony Stateroom Category C
Cabin & balcony combined size: 21.07m2 - 26.77m2 (226.8ft² - 288.2ft2)
We have three cabin categories of our Balcony Staterooms. These are classified as A, B or C depending on the cabin size.
Our 15 Balcony Stateroom Category C cabins are our most economical, fitted with all the necessities and comfortable for up to 2 people. These cabins are scattered throughout Deck 4 & 6.
- King or twin bed
- Private en-suite
- Full size window
- Closet space
- Room safe
- Mini bar*
- Private balcony
- Desk area
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- 1 x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
*Please note mini bar items are chargeable in all cabins except Junior Suite and Captain’s Suite
- King or Twin Configuration
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- TV
- Safe
- Desk
- Mini Bar (Additional Cost)
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Air Conditioning
Aurora Stateroom Superior
Cabin size: 13.97m2 - 16.17m2 (150.4ft2 - 174.1ft2)
With a bit more room to stretch the legs, the Aurora Stateroom Superior are perfect for polar adventurers who travel with plenty of gear.
Located on Deck 7, the Staterooms feature french balconies, floor to ceiling windows, en-suite bathrooms and a comfortable desk area.
- King or twin bed
- Private en-suite
- French balcony
- Closet space
- Room safe
- Mini bar*
- Desk area
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- 1 x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
*Please note mini bar items are chargeable in all cabins except Junior Suite and Captain’s Suite
- King or Twin Configuration
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- TV
- Safe
- Desk
- Mini Bar (Additional Cost)
- Lounge Area
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Air Conditioning

Captain's Suite
The largest of all our rooms, the singular Captain's Suite will take you to the polar regions in ultimate style and comfort. Complete with large lounge area, balcony, walk-in wardrobe and en-suite, you'll need to get in early to secure this suite.
- Deck 4
- King or Twin beds
- Private en-suite
- Full size window
- Desk area
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- Private balcony
- Separate lounge area
- Closet space
- Room safe
- 1 x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
- 1 x free pair of binoculars per suite
- Free stocked mini bar
- 1 x free bottle of champagne per suite
- King or Twin Configuration
- Lounge Area
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- Suite Benefits
- Free Mini Bar
- TV
- Safe
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Desk
- Air Conditioning
Junior Suite
Cabin & balcony combined size: Up to 41.47m2 - 41.87m2 (446.4ft2 - 450.7ft2)
The four Junior Suites take in some impressive scenery from their vantage points on Deck 7. When you aren't enjoying a landing, you can relax in the suites' separate lounge area, or just watch the world float by from the private balcony.
- Deck 7
- King or twin beds
- Private en-suite
- Full size window
- Desk area
- Room-controlled thermostat
- 42" flat-screen TV
- Private balcony
- Separate lounge area
- Closet space
- Room safe
- 1 x 3-in-1 polar jacket per person (polar voyages only)
- 1 x free pair of binoculars per suite
- Free stocked mini bar (stocked once only, not replenished)
- 1 x free bottle of champagne per suite
- King or Twin Configuration
- Lounge Area
- Vanity Area
- Shower
- Toiletries Provided
- Suite Benefits
- TV
- Safe
- Hair Dryer
- Telephone
- Desk
- Air Conditioning